The ALFA group (Acute Leukemia French Association) is a multidisciplinary association of clinicians, biologists, and clinical research assistants (Loi 1901 according to the French law) interested in the treatment of adult patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) and conducting research works in this field.
Through a Board of Directors (CA) and a Scientific Committee (CS), both comprising clinician and biologist investigators, ALFA has the following objectives:
The means of action are:
For ALFA group members, the "member access" tab allows access to the extranet site, which contains all documents to be shared (protocols, meeting dates, meeting reports, slideshows, working groups…).
The legal location of ALFA is the Institut de Recherche Saint-Louis (IRSL), Département de Recherche de l’UFR de Médecine de l’Université de Paris, on the Hôpital Saint-Louis campus in Paris.
A centralized review of all conventional cytogenetic results coordinated by Dr Christine TERRE (Versailles, Hôpital André Mignot)
A centralized lab for molecular biology facilities and central review of all molecular results, including somatic gene mutation profiles and molecular measurable residual disease (MRD) monitoring, coordinated by Pr Claude PREUDHOMME (Lille, CHRU)
A central Biobank
(Lille, CHRU)
A laboratory network for flow cytometry (CMF) MRD, coordinated by Drs Adriana PLASA (Lyon, Hôpital Sud, HCL) and Christophe ROUMIER (Lille, CHRU)
An independent data center and biostatistical unit
Prs Sylvie
(Paris, Hôpital
A laboratory network for translational studies, including
(Paris, Hôpital Saint-Louis, IRSL)
and Dr Meyling CHEOK
(Lille, CHRU).